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London Movie Awards

The Modelmaker - Constant Willems zoals de internationale titel van de documentaire luidt is geselecteerd voor de London Movie Awards. Dat wil volgens het officiële bericht zeggen: 

Dear John,


The Model Maker - Constant Willems has been officially selected at London Movie Awards!

This means that your project received a very high score from our jury and is eligible for award consideration.

Independently of the final decisions, at this stage, your project is in the pool of entries that are recognized with the "Official Selection Laurel" of the festival.

The list of the award-winning projects will be released during next days and respective submitters contacted again. If your project does not appear in the list of winners, it means the official selected is its final status at this round.

De documentaire is op moment van schrijven geselecteerd voor 11 Festivals, heeft 6 awards gewonnen, 3 finale plekken en 1 kwart finale behaald en 2 eervolle vermeldingen gekregen.